My (unrealistic!) goals for 2020

Ah it’s that time of year where we all start thinking about what the next year will hold for us. I’ve been reading quite a few of these type of posts and felt inspired to write my own!

So here it is, my (unrealistic!) goals for 2020

Complete The Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge (in under 10 hours)

One goal I had for 2019 was to walk the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge. But quite early on in the year, it became apparent I was struggling to find a weekend to do it before the end of September. And subsequently struggling to find free weekends to have practice hikes. Rather than give half an effort or pushing myself too hard to fit it in when it wasn’t feasible, I decided it wasn’t meant to be for 2019. I have far less holidays and events planned in for next year and so I will be able to schedule in walks first and extra activities around the walking, rather than the other way round.

I think I’ll cover some blog posts on this, but for those of you who aren’t familiar with this, The Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge is a 26 mile walk across the 3 highest hills in Yorkshire; Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside & Ingleborough which is to be completed in 12 hours.

I live so close to this park and only go a few times a year! Definitely want to explore my native country more in 2020.

Explore England (Visit every county)

I feel so grateful to live in this beautiful country! And there is so much I haven’t seen. In 2019 I did a 7 day road trip round Ireland and a 16 day road trip through California and Nevada. I spent hours on the road driving, some days we spent 6 hours driving from point of interest to the next destination. On reflection, I feel guilty that I have chosen to do that in America and not in England. There are so many cities, National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty I haven’t seen, and 6 hours could get me pretty much anywhere in England! So an unrealistic goal is to visit every county, but I definitely want to go on day trips and weekends away in England. If you have suggestions of where I should see first, please feel free to comment below!

Stay Consistent (Get 1,000 Instagram followers)

As a new and small blogger and YouTuber, my main goal is to stay consistent with posting. I don’t want to make unobtainable goals around subscribers, watch time etc and so planning and creating content regularly is my main goal. I’m not going to let perfect be the enemy of the good here…it’s all new to me and there is a lot more to both blogging and vlogging than what I thought. But I am enjoying everything and want to continue on the journey I’ve started and hope you will carry on with me!

I’m on not about the vanity metrics but!…I would love to reach 1,000 followers on Instagram! Head on over to have a toot!

I’d love to hear what your goals are


January Reflection || Progress not perfection