January Reflection || Progress not perfection
Lifestyle Natalie Rowe Lifestyle Natalie Rowe

January Reflection || Progress not perfection

It’s the end of chapter one and I thought I’d do a reflection post on what is quite often the most difficult month of the year.  It's ok not to have completely changed your lifestyle because we hit January 1st and we're not failures for still not being there.  I want people to take away from this that life is about progress and not perfection.

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My (unrealistic!) goals for 2020
Lifestyle Natalie Rowe Lifestyle Natalie Rowe

My (unrealistic!) goals for 2020

New Years resolutions don't have to be unobtainable! You can still have goals and dreams without them being unrealistic and by being kind to yourself in the process. I have a mixture of wellbeing, travel and blogging goals for 2020.

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